21 Lessons Learned from My Parents

Agni Aflikhiya
3 min readMay 27, 2022


  1. You should feel ‘enough’ for what you have. If you always seek to get more and more. You will get frustrated and never feel enough.
  2. Life is like a cycle. Sometimes, you will be set in a higher position. You can earn so much money. Everyone will love you. But, we never know what will happen in the next month or even tomorrow. You can lose everything. You may be broke. You don’t have much money. But, you have your own value. Integrity, respect, honesty, etc. That’s life. Please be wise. Use your money carefully. You should continue your life in whatever condition.
  3. Never let your personal expenses > what you can earn. We don’t allowed to take a credit for useless things. It’s too risky.
  4. Don’t put THE PRIDE of yourself from what you wear/ use. You should feel confident with yourself. Expensive things are just things. You’re valued because of you.
  5. Saving is a MUST. Do it first.
  6. My parents won’t give me so MUCH money or expensive things. But, they will always support my higher education. Education is the first priority of my family.
  7. Health is wealth. Don’t let your work/study hours be ‘taking’ your rest time. Manage your time to have a work-life balance.
  8. DO EXERCISE. You should take care of your mental and physical health.
  9. A healthy lifestyle is a must. No smoke. No drinking alcohol. No sex before marriage ofc. And, my parents are not telling us directly. But, we can see from what they’ve done. (Honestly, I’m not interested in all of that too, cause I think that it won’t give benefit me too?)
  10. We can discuss anything. Parents won’t always be RIGHT and kids won’t always be WRONG too. Parents can share their experiences but it won't always fit for kids’ conditions. Let the kid make a choice!! YUHUUU
  11. Curiosity is a weapon. If you don’t know how to operate the TV. You should learn about it. Don’t be lazy :P
  12. Be disciplined. You can lose many opportunities just because you missed one second.
  13. We can’t ask for ‘money’ more than the budget. Err, actually we (re: as a kid) will feel shame too. It will show that we can’t manage our own money.
  14. Every decision will lead to consequences. Please think before acting or saying anything.
  15. Use the health insurance. It will help you in the future or you can help others.
  16. Don’t talk too much :P show the real action
  17. Don’t miss your ibadah, it will protect you.
  18. My parents won’t always see what their kids do. But, Allah SWT will always watch us forever :)
  19. Kids may know more but parents have more experience and wisdom. I think that we can’t walk by myself. We need their opinion too.
  20. My parents said that they made many mistakes too but the kids should grow to be the better version of themself in the future. You don’t need to duplicate the same mistake in the future. Unlearn. Relearn
  21. My parents won’t force us to do anything. They can trust the kids to make a decision and be responsible for it. If I’m not mistaken. It starts in the age of 12-year old which we can decide where the school we want.
  22. NEVER EVER BLOCK THE DISCUSSION. My parents could make a ‘safe’ space for discussion.

